V Model

10 Mar

The v model is similar to the waterfall model in that it is a sinuous process. Also that each individual stage must be fully completed before moving onto the next.


  • Very basic which makes it easy to use and follow
  • More chance of success than the waterfall model as the designing and planning comes before coding, which is more time saving
  • Errors are tracked, so mistakes are spotted in the early stages, hence defects dont flow through all the stages


  • Not as flexible as some of the other traditional methods 
  • There are no working prototypes developed before the implementation stage

I hope you understand my brief outline of the v model and its advantages and disadvantages.

I look forward to you seeing my next and final post.

One Response to “V Model”

  1. sad111428618 March 10, 2013 at 2:31 pm #

    really informative blog, excellent diagram as well – really clear and illustrates the text of the blog very well. 🙂

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